Picture of Lync Logistics

Lync Logistics

Shipping freight isn’t simple. But we make it simpler.

The Future of LYNC

This is the fourth blog post in a series marking the 10 Year Anniversary of the founding of LYNC Logistics, a chattanooga-based, female-owned, freight brokerage. We’re taking a look back at LYNC’s origin stories, the evolution of the company, the unique office culture, and what the future holds for LYNC so stay tuned for more of the story. If you missed our first post, check it out here. If you missed our first post, check it out here.

Where We Go from Here

“They’re going to have to embalm me at my desk,” Cindy said, laughing, when I asked if she’d thought about retiring. I think the laugh was because she knows it won’t be because the company needs her, it’ll be because she genuinely loves being there. 

After 10 years of growing and shrinking, building and cultivating, Cindy is happy with where LYNC is. “I see no big changes in coming to LYNC, other than me being able to step back and let them [the employees] do their thing,” she explained. LYNC recently hired Scott Greene as VP of Business Development, promoted Keith Gray to Chief Operations Officer, and Rob Bade as EVP of Sales, and Cindy is confident in their leadership. 

When asked about the future of LYNC, Cindy sat in silence for a moment, thinking. “We are growing, but it’s sustainable growth, not just revenue growth. With growth, we must be able to maintain the culture, otherwise, it’s not LYNC anymore,” she said smiling. 

A woman in a grey sweater stands in front of a wood paneled wall with the LYNC logo

As LYNC rolls into Year Eleven, it’s hard not to feel excited for what lies ahead. With a dedicated and loyal staff, a dynamic leadership team, and plenty of freight to move, we’re sure the future will be nothing but successful for LYNC.