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Lync Logistics

Shipping freight isn’t simple. But we make it simpler.

The Women of LYNC Logistics: Meet Aftan Grisham

Women are making extraordinary leaps and bounds in the male-dominated logistics industry. Take our own LYNC Logistics Founder and President Cindy Lee for example. When she started LYNC Logistics in 2014, many people probably had to do a double-take when they learned a woman was at the helm. Since then, she has inspired and added many more incredible women to our LYNC team, and we want you to get to know them. That’s why we’ve created a blog series called “The Women of LYNC Logistics.”

For this edition of our series, we sat down with Aftan Grisham, who joined our team in 2021, to ask her some questions about her role at LYNC and what it’s like being a woman in logistics.

Q&A with Aftan Grisham

Q: What is your role at LYNC Logistics?

A: I’m a National Account Representative (Sales).

Q: Why did you decide to enter a career in Logistics?

A: I was searching for something that was going to keep me busy. Any career in transportation/logistics will do just that!

Q: What attracted you to LYNC Logistics?

A: What really attracted me to LYNC was the atmosphere. Everyone is friendly, professional, and self-motivated.

Q: What is your favorite thing about working at LYNC?

A: My favorite thing about LYNC is the encouragement we get from our co-workers. Everyone here is uplifting and wants you to be your best self.

Q: Logistics is a 24/7 industry. How does LYNC work with its employees to help them find a work/life balance?

A: LYNC is very understanding when life situations or problems arise. They allow us to work from home or remotely any time we need to.

Q: What are some of the lessons you’ve learned during your first year working at LYNC?

A: Breaks are necessary to keep yourself motivated!

Q: If you could describe the atmosphere at LYNC in three words, what would those words be?

A: Exciting, motivating, and considerate

Q: What kind of training did you receive when you started at LYNC? Do you feel that it set you up for success?

A: Coming into LYNC, I had no prior experience. I came in ready to absorb any and all of the information I could about logistics/transportation. The training I received did not disappoint.  My team walked with me every step of the way.

Q: Looking ahead to year two, what goals have you set for yourself?

A: In year two, I hope to have built myself a solid book of business.

Q: How has your perception of the importance of women in logistics changed since you started working at LYNC?

A: Honestly, I have always been a feminist, so working for a female-owned company has been such a confidence booster for me. Yes, there are more men than women in the logistics world, but adding a touch of “Girl Boss Energy” is just what it needs.

Q: What are you most excited about heading into year two?

A: Growing into a successful businesswoman.

Q: What is it like being a woman in logistics?

A: Being a woman in logistics has its challenges. For example, men outside of the company calling you “sweetie” or “honey,” but honestly, I feel like I have the upper hand being a woman. Besides the nicknames, people seem more interested in talking to a woman than a man over the phone. I’m not sure why that is, but I’ll take it!

Q: What is your message to women considering a career in logistics?

A: Want to do something challenging? Be a woman in logistics!

Q: As a woman, what is it like working for a female-owned logistics company in a male-dominated industry?

A: I’m always inspired.

We truly love having Aftan on our team, and we can’t wait to introduce you to more incredible women at LYNC over the coming months. Until then, give us a call at 423-305-7600 or visit our website to learn more about our services